What does silversneakers cover?
Silversneakers covers all fitness classes that are offered at the center.
Are you required to come to every class?
No, you are welcome to come to as many or as few classes or programs offered at the center. We encourage you to try as many as you like.
Can anyone try any fitness class regardless of physical ability?
Some classes are a little more challenging than others, but all have modifications including the ability to complete class in a chair from a seated position.
Will the fitness instructor assist me if I need help?
Our fitness instructors are here to help, guide and teach you how to do exercises safely and effectively. If you have questions or need assistance please ask.
Is yoga chair yoga?
What should I wear for an exercise class.
We want you to be comfortable. Wear clothes that allow you to move without restriction and non-slip shoes.
What is done in QiGong class and what are the benefits?
QiGong is an ancient form of health-promoting exercise that comes from the Chinese medical and martial arts tradition. Chinese philosophy considers Qi (or Chi) to be the life force energy that permeates every living thing and that it’s linked to breath. (After all, if you stop breathing to die!) Wu Yi Jie He QiGong, the style taught at the Hilltop Center, emphasizes diaphragmatic breathing to promote relaxation and exercises designed to take each joint through full range of motion. When performed regularly the routine can promote flexibility, mild strengthening, improved immune response and stress reduction. The cardinal rule for the class is do not do anything that produces pain! (Pain is a sign of inflammation, a state linked to most of the major diseases plaguing our society today.) Even if you cannot do a posture you may derive some benefit by visualizing the motions in your head. If your doctor or other medical provider has told you not to do a particular exercise or any physical activity equivalent to walking, balancing on one leg, reaching overhead, bending, turning and/or twisting while reaching we ask that you obtain permission for the class from that provider.
Can I attend the knitting/Crocheting class and will someone teach me how to knit/crochet?
Yes, all are welcome to attend, seasoned knitters/crocheters are more than happy to help teach others.
If I do not know how to paint can I attend art class?
Everyone is welcome, however if someone has never painted it may be challenging to jump into the art class. If there is enough interest, we can start a beginner’s art class. Please email dscribner@mercyhilltopcenter.com
Do you serve lunch?